How to lose bad fat : It is enough to drink something daily to get rid of bad fat in the body fast!

Health Tips : More focus on diet is needed to control high cholesterol. One should be very careful in eating and always take care of healthy foods that can control cholesterol. High cholesterol is a warning sign of many health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes. Many experts have established a link between high cholesterol and erectile dysfunction.

How to lose bad fat

Due to the risk of many serious health problems, it is recommended to check the amount of fat in the body as soon as high cholesterol is detected. Here are some simple drinks that can help reduce high cholesterol levels in the body. You can see what they are in this post.



Health Tips : According to research, oat milk helps to lower cholesterol evenly. Although oats help manage cholesterol, oat milk is very effective. Another explanation for why oats are useful for patients with high cholesterol is that they contain beta-glucans, which help build a gel-like substance in the gut that further interacts with the bile and regulates cholesterol absorption. A cup of oat milk is said to contain 1.3 grams of beta-glucans. It is recommended to consume 3 grams of beta-glucan daily to control high cholesterol.

Green tea

Green tea

Health Tips : The anti-oxidant catechin in green tea lowers bad cholesterol levels.A cup of green tea contains more than 50 mg of catechins. Green tea, a beverage with many health benefits, can reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels by 16% when consumed continuously for 12 weeks. In a study based on this, 240 people who took supplements containing green and black tea juices for 12 weeks found a 16% reduction in cholesterol.

Soy milk

Health Tips :Since soy is low in saturated fat content, it is an excellent food for those with high cholesterol. To control high fat, you can switch to soy milk and creams as a healthy alternative to high fat dairy products. The effect of soy protein has been scientifically proven in people with heart disease.

Tomato juice

Tomato juice

Health Tips : Lycopene in tomatoes increases the amount of lipid in the body and lowers the level of low-density lipoprotein in cholesterol. According to one study, high intake of tomato products had atheroprotective effects, which significantly reduced LDL cholesterol levels and increased LDL resistance to antioxidants in healthy normal cholesterolic adults.

Drinks rich in sterol and stanol

Drinks rich in sterol and stanol

Health Tips : Sterols and stanols are plant-based compounds that are structurally similar to cholesterol. These are absorbed by the body and excreted as waste instead of accumulating as normal cholesterol. At least 2 grams of sterols and stool are needed each day to lower cholesterol. But plants do not have high levels of sterols and stanols. The American Heart Association therefore recommends consuming foods rich in sterols and dyes against hypercholesterolemia.

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