How to control diabetes to stay under control easily. Just choose to eat!

How to control diabetes to stay under control easily. Just choose to eat!

Many people think that blood Sugar is not a scary disease. There are many people who don't see what's going on. But do you know that? When diabetes can not be cured, it can only be controlled within the normal range of Blood sugar monitor. And when it is, it also affects the body's immune system to weaken. Especially now that the COVID-19 virus is spreading, people with diabetes are at a higher risk of contracting and dying. And to reduce that risk, All well has a way to control diabetes. and how to reduce blood sugar levels By myself, let's stay together.



  1. How to control diabetes by choosing food
  • Foods to avoid
  • Foods that can be eaten but must be limited in quantity
  • Unlimited amount of food you can eat
     2. Beat diabetes with recipes
     3. What people with diabetes should do on a regular basis

How to control diabetes by choosing food

Many people with diabetes tend to neglect their diet. because he thought that after taking the medicine, he was gone Which is a wrong idea! Because T Obama sweet is a chronic disease that can not be cured. If you rely on drugs but don't control your diet, it may have a negative effect on your body. Therefore, diabetics need to know how to control their sugar levels to be stable. by controlling diabetes and how to reduce blood sugar levels It's not difficult to do with food choices.

Diet for diabetics is divided into 3 types.

1. Foods that should be avoided

    • all kinds of sugar

Whether it's granulated sugar, cane sugar, lump sugar, palm sugar, or even honey. Sugary beverages such as soft drinks, bubble tea, and desserts such as donuts

    • Dairy products

Sweetened condensed milk, sour milk, sweetened flavored milk Sweetened flavored yogurt

    • candied fruit, candied fruit, preserved fruit

such as stir-fried mango, dried banana, canned jujube, as well as canned fruit.

    • foods prepared with saturated fat

For example, coconut milk curry, pork belly, coconut oil, animal fat, butter, cream, milk fat, etc.

All of these foods contain sugar as the main ingredient. not suitable for diabetic patients Because it will cause sugar levels to rise quickly, may cause harm to the body. 

Diet for diabetics

2. Food that can be eaten but must be limited in quantity

  • Starchy foods such as rice, bread, noodles, noodles, these foods are digested and converted into sugar. which is an important source of energy for the body Therefore, it should not be restricted or restricted too much. Should eat properly and in moderation. If too restricted, it can result in low sugar levels. and unable to control blood sugar levels
  • Fruits, as each fruit, contains a different amount of carbohydrates. And the carbohydrates in fruit often come in the form of sugar. some have a lot of sugar some have less sugar-sweet fruit When eaten, it results in high blood sugar levels. People with diabetes should therefore avoid eating fruits that are very sweet.

Diabetes control tips

  • Apples are high in pectin fiber, which helps trap fat. Reduce blood sugar and fat levels Reduce the risk of high sugar levels.

recommended dosage: 1 small green apple after 1 meal

  • Guava is a fruit that is less sweet. Low in calories and high in fiber

Recommended amount: 1 small guava or half a large fruit, do not eat with chili, salt, sugar.

  • Banana helps to absorb sugar slowly, high fiber makes you full for longer, can be eaten as a snack. Helps control blood sugar levels

Recommended amount: half a banana per meal/banana, banana, can eat 1 full fruit

Berries such as strawberries, cherries, blueberries are rich in vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. It also reduces the risk of developing diabetes.
Recommended amount: 12 fruits per serving

  • Dragon fruit contains many vitamins and minerals. Low in calories and high in fiber It also has properties that help treat diabetes.

Recommended amount: 10-12 servings per serving.

Note* These fruits should be eaten fresh. Should not be eaten through the preservation process. or processed

Fruits that diabetics should avoid

Ripe mango, durian, sapodilla, longan, grape, rambutan, lychee, jackfruit, custard, sweet tamarind, and various sweet fruits. including processed fruits Because these fruits, when eaten, will cause sugar levels to skyrocket.

Unlimited amount of food you can eat

Green leafy vegetables, because vegetables are low in calories. and high in fiber slows the absorption of sugar And the fiber in vegetables also helps absorb energy from sugar from entering the bloodstream too quickly. This allows the body to extract energy from sugar and use it properly. for example

  • Talking, a research team from the Faculty of Medicine Harvard University Research has shown that gourd is effective in lowering blood sugar levels.
  • Bitter gourd contains Chaitin, which has anti-diabetic properties. Stimulates insulin secretion and inhibits glucose production.
  • Pumpkin. In one study, pumpkin contains sugar polysaccharides that bind to proteins inside. Has the effect of reducing blood sugar levels
  • Chapeau lowers blood sugar levels.
  • Garlic has a substance that lowers blood sugar levels. inhibit platelet agglutination help reduce blood fat
  • Aloe Vera contains nitroglycerin that helps lower blood sugar levels.

And there are also many other vegetables such as Chaplu, Chiang Kha vegetables, corn shoots, squash leaves, water lettuce, Krachia flowers, Asiatic leaf, etc.

Hypoglycemic Control Goals of Diabetics

Sugar level before eating 90-130 mg/dL
Sugar level 2 hours Blood sugar after eating less than 180 mg/dL.
Accumulated glucose (HbA1c) less than or equal to 7%

diabetes with recipes

Beat diabetes with recipes

Guidelines for scheduling a nutritionally balanced menu with energy intake each day. By choosing raw materials from each group to prepare a menu that is suitable for diabetic patients for 3 meals/day in order to control blood sugar levels from being high and having enough energy to live life.

  1. 18 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of protein

such as taro, potato, or high-carb vegetables, beans (excluding soybeans)

  1. 20 grams of carbohydrates, fruit

such as dragon fruit, banana

  1. 9 g protein, 5 g fat

such as meat, eggs, fish, or soy milk products.

  1. 6 g carbohydrates, 4 g protein, 5 g fat

Milk and dairy products

  1. 9 grams of fat

Fat products

  1. 13 grams of carbohydrates, 5 grams of protein

Vegetables, mushrooms, or seaweed

What people with diabetes should do on a regular basis

behavior modification In everyday life, is considered a way to control diabetes. and is a way to reduce blood sugar levels that works well as well by following this

1. Exercise regularly.

Exercise will help reduce insulin resistance. Stimulates the body to use sugar as energy. As a result, blood sugar levels can go down continuously. If diabetics keep exercising regularly. It will help to control sugar levels effectively.

2. Drink water often.

Allowing yourself to feel overly thirsty will make you want to drink a refreshing drink. Therefore, drinking plenty of water, sipping water frequently, will help keep the body hydrated by drinking water, helping the liver to excrete excess sugar through the urine. It also prevents sugar levels from skyrocketing.

3. Don't stress.

Stress is another factor inducing sugar levels to rise. when stress cortisol hormone Hormones that cause sweet cravings and the hormone glucagon that serves to burn carbohydrates Increased glucose in the blood will be secreted more than usual. resulting in an acute rise in sugar levels That's why we shouldn't stress.

4. Divide into smaller hands, but more often.

Eating large meals can increase your risk of getting too much sugar from your diet. Makes sugar levels rise easily To prevent high sugar levels Divide the food into 5-6 small meals in smaller quantities. but eat more often

5. Get enough sleep

If the body is not getting enough rest will cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate resulting in a craving for sweets To refresh the body, which increases the risk of high blood sugar levels and the risk of obesity.

6. Weight control

Obesity is another common cause of type 2 diabetes, obesity caused by eating too many carbs and fat. affect insulin in the body causing the body to become resistant to insulin causes high blood sugar levels Losing weight is a way to help control sugar levels not to be high. and help insulin work better

7. Check the sugar level

Regularly checking your blood sugar will help us determine if your blood sugar is too high or too low. It is also a way to help people with diabetes to take care of themselves more properly. and prevent the dangers of high sugar levels

8. Control energy

Control enough energy to meet the daily needs of the body. The daily requirement is approximately 30-35 kcal / 1 kg of standard bodyweight if a person is obese. The daily energy needs of the body may be reduced to 20-25 kcal / 1 kg of standard bodyweight.

How to control diabetes


This is because diabetes is a chronic disease that cannot be cured. Medication alone cannot control diabetes. Therefore, changing eating habits Knowing how to choose the right food is another way to control diabetes. and prevent blood sugar levels from rising.

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