What Is The Advice For A Person With High Blood Pressure? (Hypertension)

Advice on high blood pressure

1) General information about the disease

Blood pressure is the pressure in the arteries to supply blood to different parts of the body. There are two values ​​for blood pressure measurement.
systolic pressure (blood pressure as the lower-left ventricle contracts)
lower pressure (blood pressure as the lower-left ventricle relaxes)

Which is normal people should not exceed 130/85 mm Hg. The severity of high blood pressure. Consider both systolic and diastolic blood pressure values, taking the higher blood pressure as a threshold.

blood pressure level                systolic pressure ( mm Hg)          Lower body pressure (mm Hg)

level 1 weakly high                  140 – 159                                          90 – 99

Level 2 Moderately High         160 – 179                                         100 – 109

Level 3 Severely High              from 180 and up                              from 110 and up

Cause more than 90% of high blood pressure patients. will not detect the cause It is believed to be caused by two main factors:

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Hereditary. It was found that those whose father or mother had high blood pressure. are more likely to develop high blood pressure than those whose parents do not have Moreover, those who have both parents with high blood pressure. will be most at risk Older people are more likely to develop high blood pressure as they get older.

Environment, which are modifiable factors such as obesity, diabetes, salty diet, alcohol consumption and smoking, stress, etc.

The causative blood pressure was found to be less than 10%, although the number of patients in this group was small, it was important.

Because some diseases can be cured and the most common causes are kidney disease, narrowing of the arteries that supply the kidneys, certain medications such as oral contraceptives, aorta from the heart and tumors of the adrenal glands, etc.

Symptoms Mild or moderate high blood pressure is usually asymptomatic. But the destruction of various organs gradually until the patient has complications eventually such as heart failure, ischemic heart disease. Renal impairment or paralysis, high blood pressure is often referred to as the “ silent killer.” Severe high blood pressure. These symptoms can occur.

such as nosebleeds Temporary blindness in one eye, fatigue, chest pain, dizziness, throbbing headache, etc., but these symptoms are not specific. Because it may be caused by other reasons such as fever, stress, migraines, etc. When abnormal symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor. Because of high blood pressure is found, it can be treated correctly and timely. when blood pressure drops to normal The symptoms will go away.

2) Behavior for patients/at risk

1. Diet Control Weight loss can help lower blood pressure and help control blood sugar levels. even if you are not considered fat But cutting down on fatty foods is a good thing.

  • Avoid or reduce the use of fatty butter. and cooking oil
  • Avoid fried food, eat baked, steamed, boiled food instead.
  • Eat more vegetables, nuts, fruits
  • Avoid drinking alcohol
  • Drink water, decaffeinated coffee, skimmed milk and fruit juices.

2. Eat foods that are not very salty. Will make high blood pressure and kidney work harder. Reducing the amount of salt in the diet should consult your doctor first.

  • Avoid pickled foods, salty meats, canned soups, ketchup, foods with a lot of salt.
  • Use spices instead of salt or MSG
  • snack With " low salt " (the Low the Salt), or " no salt " (Salt - Free).

3. Avoid stressful emotions. try to respond consciously and soft to stressful conditions which you cannot change or can be avoided

4. Stop smoking. Smoking is a major cause of lung cancer. paralysis, ischemic heart disease and high blood pressure cigarettes cause destruction and promote the constriction of blood vessels, increasing the risk of paralysis

5. Refrain or reduce alcohol consumption. Drinking large amounts of alcohol causes high blood pressure. and high blood fat Should abstain or drink in small quantities, for example, one day should not drink more than 60 cubic centimeters.

6. exercise restraint, but walking on for 20 - 30 minutes will help you lose weight. Help make the circulatory system better. and can prevent cardiovascular disease Before beginning any exercise, consult your doctor first.

7. Take the medicine regularly as prescribed by the doctor.

  • Inform your doctor of any medications you are taking. such as birth control pills, pain relievers, etc.
  • Take the medicine strictly as prescribed by the doctor
  • If there is any drug that makes you uncomfortable You should notify your doctor immediately. Because you may need a lower dose of the drug. or change medication
  • Keep taking this medication until your doctor tells you to stop.

8. Check your blood pressure regularly.

If you have a blood pressure monitor at home Talk to your doctor to learn how to measure your blood pressure correctly.

3) Prevention of disease

Control your weight to be within the normal range.

  • Choose foods that are low in fat. a low-fat diet will give less energy High-energy foods should be avoided, such as butter, salad dressings, lean meats, lean meats, fresh milk, fried foods such as sashimi, bananas, fried chicken, cakes, cookies. Use to bake or burn instead of frying. Choose skinless chicken, fish, and use skim milk instead of fresh milk. eat lots of vegetables
  • Choose foods that are rich in starch and fiber.
  • Use a smaller plate and don't take a second scoop. Always write down the list of foods you eat. Do not snack while watching TV. Should not skip one meal and make up for the next meal.
  • give more exercise Exercising or doing housework will help your body burn energy. Make weight loss. The table below will show the energy used to exercise. exercise regularly

  • Exercise method using aerobic exercise design, using large muscles such as walking, running, swimming, cycling.
  • The frequency of exercise is 3-5 days/week.
  • Exercise duration 20-60 minutes.
  • Heart rate exercise intensity is 60%-90% of the target heart rate.

Choose foods that are low in salt.

Reducing salty foods can help prevent and lower blood pressure. In general, do not eat more than 6 grams of salt or 1 teaspoon (equal to 2400 milligrams of sodium ), but it is recommended to eat 1500 milligrams of salt equal to 4 grams or 2/3 teaspoons of salt. Readers should not season food. before tasting If seasoning your own food, add as little salt as possible. Examples of foods that should be avoided include salted fish, salted eggs, pickled vegetables, shrimp paste, bean paste, kidney fish, tofu, MSG. Limit drink Hall, Lahore.

limiting alcohol consumption Studies have shown that the amount of alcohol consumed is related to blood pressure levels. For those who drink moderate amounts of alcohol Blood pressure levels will drop over a period of 1-2 weeks, after which it will return to normal. For those who drink heavily ( about five times the recommended amount), their blood pressure levels are elevated after they stop drinking. Therefore, it is found that after drinking a lot of alcohol on holidays, there will be high pressure on a working day. Reducing alcohol will lower blood pressure levels. Men no more than 2 drink (20–30 g ethanol per day), women no more than 1 drink (10–20 g ethanol per day), 1 drink equals

  • Whiskey 45 ml.
  • Wine not more than 150 ml.
  • Beer not more than 300 ml.

Quitting smoking is an effective way to prevent cardiovascular disease.
Manage stress Should have stress relief such as watching movies, listening to music, traveling in various places.

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4) Caution

Complications of high blood pressure Persistent and untreated hypertension Will cause the destruction of various important organs in the body such as the heart, brain, kidneys, blood vessels and eyes, etc. because of high blood pressure that has been around for a long time. This will make the artery wall thicker and the hole smaller, causing the blood supply to the organs to decrease, resulting in these organs not functioning normally.

1. Heart High blood pressure affects the heart in two ways: it causes the heart to enlarge. and thickened coronary arteries

and hardened causing chest pain from ischemic heart or heart failure causing breathlessness, inability to lie down, or an irregular heartbeat cause palpitations

2. Brain high blood pressure It is the cause of paralysis, which is often caused by small blood vessels clogged by platelets, which are common or caused by ruptured blood vessels in the brain. cause bleeding into the brain

3. Kidney is the organ that has the most blood vessels in the body. It serves to filter waste out of the blood. High blood pressure also affects the blood vessels in the kidneys. as well as coronary arteries causing the insufficient blood supply to the kidneys As a result, the kidneys are impaired until the stage of chronic renal failure. Patients will have early symptoms of chronic renal failure. is frequent urination at night, legs swell in the late afternoon, if it is a lot, there will be exhaustion Not waiting for strength from anemia Which is often found in patients with chronic renal failure and nausea, vomiting, seepage in patients with late-stage renal failure.

4. Eyes High blood pressure will affect the blood vessels in the eyes such as retinal hemorrhage. Small blood vessels in the retina are clogged. or cause the retina to peel off Patients may not have any symptoms or blindness to blindness. Diabetes, which is often found with high blood pressure. will cause eye complications

5. Atherosclerosis. High blood pressure causes changes in the blood vessels throughout the body. causing blood vessels to feed the limbs and decreased internal organs The patient could not walk far because of leg pain due to lack of blood supply. He had to sit down and rest before he could recover and continue walking.

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