Nutritious Foods Needed For The Growth Of Young Women

For girls, it is their duty to pay more attention to their diet as they pass from childhood to adolescence.

Foods required for the growth of women
For girls, the transition from childhood to adolescence is marked by changes in body language, changes in voice, the onset of menstruation, changes in emotions and thoughts. In such an environment, parents have a duty to pay more attention to their diet.

Foods required for the growth of women

Adults say, "Between the ages of 12 and 20, their lives will be healthy only if they take proper care of their bodies and minds." This is also true. Depending on the type of food consumed during adolescence, their body organs will gain strength and health. “There are two main questions that teenagers need to ask themselves.

"Do we eat the right food at the right time?" Those are the questions. `Teenage 'season is full of emotions. So, they would only resort to this as a last resort. It is a mistake to feel uncontrolled about your diet, ”says nutritionist Karbagam Vinod.

"Many girls start puberty when they are 12 years old. That is why girls need more attention to food than boys. It is important to know what foods teenage girls need.

* Eat more carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin-rich foods and grains. These, in turn, increase the body's energy production so that it can function with freshness.

* It is good to consume fruits and vegetables which increase the body's immunity. Eat at least one fruit a day.

* You can eat cardamom, spinach, sesame, fish and eggs for the iron requirement of the body. This will help in solving the menstrual problems for 'teenage' women. If not, problems such as anemia, height gain, and weight gain can occur. Vegetarians can consume legumes, nuts and seeds to meet their body's iron needs.

* Many `teenagers' exclude dairy products. Milk, cheese, yogurt, etc. must be consumed. The nutrients available through this will protect the heart; Strengthens muscles.

* Eating oily foods can cause obesity. Obesity in women during adolescence can be the basis for many problems related to pregnancy. It is better to avoid oil and ghee as much as possible.

* Drink plenty of water. Drink at least two liters of water a day.

Food on time

* Do not skip breakfast or miss time. Since such habits reduce energy production, there may be distractions in the study. As well as hormonal issues. It can also increase bad body fat and increase weight.

Food on time

* As for lunch, time discipline is right among school children. But, college students miss time or eat very little. The vast majority eat breakfast at 11 a.m. and lunch at 4 p.m.

Such habits can affect the growth of body parts. It can cause metabolism and some other related disorders.

* Eating a small amount of food six times a day and eating a balanced amount three times a day is both the right eating habits. The account of 'three meals a day' should not be reduced except to increase to six. Even if you do not eat, you may not get the energy your body needs such as vitamins, carbohydrates and minerals.

* Snack lovers should avoid oily foods like chips, patties and Wada. Instead, you can eat nuts, fruits, dried fruits, whole grain laddu, etc.

Proper Eating Habits

* Most college students consume puffs and tea and coffee when they are hungry. It is also addictive to tea and coffee. It should be avoided as drinking tea and coffee more than twice a day can cause high blood pressure.

* If you are hungry, you must eat without neglect. Don’t go without food just because you don’t get hungry at the right time. The cause of anorexia should be known and resolved.

Proper Eating Habits

* Exercise is just as important as food. Exercise purifies the blood and helps to keep the blood flowing smoothly; It also helps to increase the function of the brain. Exercising is especially good in the morning.

* As you gain weight, it is a good idea to check that your height and weight are consistent with your BMI.

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