These 5 super ingredients are enough to dissolve the fat in the internal organs and reduce the belly fast!

There are five types of fats in the human body. There is subcutaneous fat in the thighs and hips, which is visible when the skin is pinched. There is brown fat on the back of the neck and chest, which is one of the most harmless forms of fat. Visceral fat is found in the abdomen and is considered the most dangerous form of fat in the human body.

Belly fat

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First, an increase in blood cholesterol increases the risk of developing dangerous conditions such as cancer, heart disease and type-2 diabetes. Secondly, it is one of the most stubborn forms of fat and it is very difficult to get rid of. However, excess belly fat poses a serious threat to health and well-being and it is important to keep it under control. In this post we will look at what are the key ingredients that help to lose visceral fat quickly.

Green tea

Green tea

Drinking green tea can reduce visceral fat faster because it contains antioxidants and caffeine, both of which speed up our metabolism and help us lose weight faster. Green tea suppresses appetite and helps to alleviate hunger. Even if you drink three cups of green tea daily, your body will get the amount of antioxidants it needs. Make sure you monitor your green tea intake, as its caffeine content can lead to insomnia.

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Despite being high in calories and fats, avocados are high in soluble fiber, which helps reduce appetite and makes us feel fuller for longer. Studies have shown that avocados can help women distribute belly fat evenly, thereby helping them achieve a healthier body. Eating avocado fruit daily can help greatly in controlling body weight.


Curcumin is an antioxidant found in turmeric, which helps to remove toxins from the liver and increases the liver's effectiveness in reducing cholesterol. Turmeric is a spice commonly found in Indian homes and can be consumed in various forms daily. Adding it to curry and vegetable products is a common practice in India. In addition it can be added to milk or other beverages.

Ajwain seeds

Ajwain or carom seeds are often used in home remedies to help treat digestive problems. It helps in digestion and absorption of food and makes it easier to lose weight due to low fat storage. Eating ajwain along with peppermint and chapati is a good option. Other than that, chewing a spoonful of carom seeds before breakfast will do wonders for you.



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Flavonoids are plant-based chemicals that benefit the heart and brain. Consumption of cocoa stimulates the production of serotonin in the brain, thus improving mood. Improving mood helps to suppress appetite and hence helps in weight loss from stomach. Dark chocolate is a good and healthy source of cocoa, and it is enough to consume one or two pieces a day to meet your needs.

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