Do you know why your blood sugar level rises when you are sick? Is it dangerous?

Over the past few years diabetes has become a common medical condition. Because of this people today are starting to take it lightly. Most people over the age of 35 usually have diabetes. The number of diabetics is increasing day by day. Contrary to popular belief, diabetes can not only increase blood sugar levels but also damage other organs if left unmanaged. For many years it can cause problems for chronic conditions such as heart problems and nerve damage (neurology).

Do you know why your blood sugar level rises when you are sick? Is it dangerous?

What many people do not know is that diabetes can make it harder to recover from minor illnesses such as colds, flu and other common infections. In this article, we will learn in detail why this happens and how to deal with the situation.

Why is it so difficult to recover from diabetes?

When dealing with any disease, our body produces high blood glucose levels. It can cause diabetes-related complications such as diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperosmolar hyperglycemic syndrome (HHS). Fighting physical condition and can be difficult to recover 

Why does your blood sugar level rise?

When you suffer from diabetes, many diseases can increase your blood sugar level. The body of diabetics produces anti-regulatory hormones in response to stress. On top of that, some medications like steroids are used when treating sick patients. Experts say both of these things can increase blood sugar levels. This condition increases the need for insulin. It is hard for our body to meet. As a result, it begins to burn fat as fuel and produces ketones. This will make your blood more toxic.

How to manage blood sugar level?

People who are in the early stages of diabetes say they can control their blood sugar levels through a regular diet and regular exercise. There are four main pillars in your body's management: diet, exercise, medication and sugar monitoring. It is recommended to eat a balanced diet high in protein and fiber but low in carbohydrates and fats.

Do you know why your blood sugar level rises when you are sick? Is it dangerous?

What to eat?

For a diabetic, eating a healthy and nutritious diet plays an important role in managing blood sugar levels. A well-balanced diet helps them heal faster and keeps their blood sugar levels under control. Therefore, even if they catch a cold and suffer from any kind of illness, they should pay extra attention to their blood sugar level.

Which foods to avoid

A balanced diet works well for diabetics and it is stable for a long time. It is difficult to follow exotic controlled diets for many years. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid such diet plans. Diabetics should also avoid foods made from refined flours such as sugar, jaggery and honey and pav, bread and other bakery foods.

Do you know why your blood sugar level rises when you are sick? Is it dangerous?

Oily foods

Consumption of oily foods should also be avoided. This is because they increase central body fat and raise blood sugar levels. It is very important to focus on the overall caloric intake. It varies according to body weight and weight. It refers to the functional status of an individual patient.

Fiber and protein

However, in general, patients should avoid energy-rich foods, fried foods, and fast foods. Instead of eating carbohydrates and fatty foods in moderation, you should eat a high fiber and protein rich diet.

When to contact a doctor?

Do you know why your blood sugar level rises when you are sick? Is it dangerous?

According to experts, a diabetic should usually visit their doctor every 3-6 months. Blood sugar levels should be checked. Consult your doctor about other medications you may be taking for other health problems.

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