My age is 35 then what should be the my sugar level

Information you need to know about diabetes

Heredity has been found to be a major cause of impaired insulin secretion in the pancreas. If any of our blood relatives like grandparents have diabetes, we are more likely to get diabetesAccording to medical experts, the World Health Organization (WHO) is threatening India as the headquarters for diabetics, but there is a lack of awareness about diabetes among Indians.

about diabetes

Most people do not seem to hear that reading and reading that Indians are genetically more likely to get diabetesIf you are over 35, your blood sugar level should be checked. But, even 10 percent of people do not have their blood sugar tested. It's only when something goes wrong that we call it 'Labo Thibo'. Diabetes is a life-threatening disease that, if detected in time, can lead to a lifetime of luxury. Lifestyle diets, high intake of sugary foods (pizza, coke, chocolate), and many other factors, including a lack of physical activity.

Adverse effects of diabetes

Diabetes is the only disease that can affect all organs from head to toe. Excess blood sugar damages the blood vessels, causing a stroke called a stroke, which affects all organs, from the hand to the retina. Causes unspeakable pain, including impotence. Diabetes is when our blood sugar level is higher than normal. For a variety of reasons, blood sugar levels are high. . This hormone is secreted by beta cells in the pancreas. As long as insulin secretion is normal, there will be no problem in converting the sugar in the diet into energy. If the insulin secretion is low or the insulin secretion is affected, there is a problem in converting sugar into energy. The result is an increase in blood sugar levels, leading to diabetes.

How is diabetes diagnosed?

Unfortunately, diabetes, like other diseases, cannot be diagnosed with symptoms. Coincidentally, many people find out they have diabetes when they come to the doctor for treatment for something else. Before eating, the blood sugar level should be 60 to 110 mg. After eating, the sugar level should be between 80 and 140. If it is more than this it is called diabetes. If the blood sugar level after eating is up to 180 mg, it means that he is approaching diabetes. Heredity has been found to be a major cause of impaired insulin secretion in the pancreas. If any of our blood relatives like our grandparents have diabetes, we are more likely to get diabetes.

How does it affect the blood vessel?

A chemical in sugar that erodes the inside of blood vessels and causes ulcers. Scars occur when this sore heals automatically. Over the course of the day, these scars multiply and cause blockages in the blood vessels.

Two types

Diabetes can be classified into two types. Coming of age, it is known as 'juvenile diabetes'. It is the first type of diabetes. Insulin injection depends on the type of diabetes mellitus in 5 to 7 percent of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Type 2 diabetes is now more common in people over the age of 30. If diabetes is confirmed by a blood test, The pill or insulin injection should be taken regularly as advised by the doctor. We should not take pills that another diabetic is taking. The pill should be taken as prescribed by the doctor as it determines which pill and how much depending on the blood sugar level.


Any specific symptoms of diabetes, initially unknown. Frequent urination and frequent thirst. Symptoms of diabetes include increased appetite, fatigue, rapid weight loss, and itching at the urethra. If these symptoms are present, a blood test should be done immediately. High blood sugar can affect the blood vessels in the heart, kidneys, eyes, and legs. Some people have a blood vessel that goes to the brain and may have a stroke.


Diet is just as important as the pill. Diet does not mean the passage should be. Young women need to know the nature of their disease, age, weight and diet to follow during pregnancy. Foods high in starch should be taken in moderation. Avoid foods that increase blood sugar, such as sugar, sweet potatoes, mangoes, jack fruits, bananas, pears, grapes, sapodillas, soft drinks, ice cream, and chips. In case of diet, be sure to follow the doctor's advice. The idea that you can eat sweet and take an extra pill is wrong. Never miss a meal on a festive day and take an extra pill. But, often it is not good to do so.

Low sugar level

Sometimes, if the pill or insulin level rises slightly, the blood sugar level will drop below normal. This is called low sugar level. Symptoms of low blood sugar include palpitations, hunger, sweating, dizziness, and blurred vision.


Foot protection

Protecting the feet of diabetics is very important. In diabetics the nerves and blood vessels of the foot are affected. Blood clots in the blood vessels can cause blockage and loss of sensation in the legs. Injuries do not heal easily. Since the pain is unknown, we will not ignore the injury. As the immune system weakens, the wound will heal. Decreased blood flow can cause the legs and fingers to darken and rot, leading to amputation of the toes or feet. Therefore, diabetics should take care not to injure their legs. There are exclusive shoes for them. You can use it.

(Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on general assumptions and information. Try to do this is not responsible for this information.)

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