Permanent Weight loss tips in Indians : You can lose weight without exercise

Weight Loss Tips and Foods

Everyone wants to lose weight but doesn't put in the physical effort and effort. The reason is that not everyone is able to walk and exercise immediately after waking up in the morning after drinking water. For most people, going to bed at night and waking up in the morning to go to work is fine. It's not that you can lose weight just by exercising hard. You can also lose weight by eating some healthy foods. This is a post about tips to lose weight that way.

Weight Loss Tips and Foods

Why do you gain weight?

Before trying to lose weight, consider why you gained weight. Some people may also experience sudden weight gain due to hormonal changes. Some people overeat but are at a healthy weight. Some people eat less but get fat. It is important to know about this before trying to lose weight

Family reason

Some people may appear overweight due to genes. Although they look fat, that is their nature. To know this you will have to look back at your great grandfather's physique. If none of your ancestors were fat but I am chubby then this weight loss article will help you. 


Everyone has a different diet. Some people drink coffee right after waking up in the morning. Some people drink cumin water after brushing their teeth and drink coffee only a quarter of an hour later. If you are overweight try to change your diet. Changing your eating habits to a low-calorie diet can help you lose weight quickly.

Foods to Avoid

  1. Jung Diets

  2. Salt

  3. Oily foods

These are the foods that are generally avoided by anyone starting to think about weight loss

Foods to take

No diet will help you lose weight instantly. Some foods can help you lose weight gradually. This is because they suppress your appetite but reduce the amount of fat you were getting before. This will gradually reduce your body weight.

Consuming 1200 calories a day can help you lose weight safely. 

By consuming 1200 kcal daily you can lose 500 gm in a week

At the same time, if you get the proteins and vitamins your body needs, you can't have a healthier day. If you make this habit daily, your body will be healthy and your weight and weight loss will be balanced.


Idli is a simple dish. Palm-sized idli has 39 calories.

5 idlis and a cup of oil-free coconut chutney are perfect for breakfast.

This gives the body 230 calories.

It is said by many that there are only carbohydrates in Italian and it is said on the internet that Italian is not a product for weight loss. But Idli has everything needed by the body like protein, fiber, carbohydrates, sodium, and potassium. Tamilan quality food is Italian.

Can you eat dosa to lose weight?

If Idli is very good, dosa is very bad for those who want to lose weight. But what to do! If there is too much idli batter, they become dosa.

A regular-sized dosa has 80 to 133 calories. When you eat Nalu Dosa in the morning, most of the vitamins and minerals are not available to the body and the fat and carbohydrates prevent you from losing weight. 


We eat rice every day as long as it suits us. It cannot be avoided. So making a proper schedule will help you lose weight

150 grams of rice. Be it Sambar or Rasa. That gives you 200 calories. It also includes protein, essential fat, and fiber. But the body needs as many grams of protein as you weigh.

However, it is generally necessary to take 56 grams of protein for a male and 46 grams of protein for a female.

Soya beans

100 grams of soya beans meet the protein requirement of 40 grams and other protein requirements are included in breakfast and dinner. So consuming 100 grams of boiled soya beans daily is one of the foods that will help you lose weight.

Sprouted lentils

Sprouted beans meet the protein and mineral requirements of the body with a low-calorie intake. 100 grams of sprouted lentils contain only 30 grams of calories. If you soak it in a wet cloth at night and eat it divided into morning, afternoon, and night, you will not have to struggle much to balance the calories and lose weight.


As important as protein is for daily weight loss, fiber is also essential. That means fiber. Most people eat cornflakes for fiber. Spinach is an excellent source of fiber. 72 grams of spinach has only 10 grams of calories. Therefore, spinach is the leading food that gives more vitamins without increasing body weight. Consuming 100 grams of spinach daily with lunch is important for weight loss.

Fruit and vegetable

You can't just eat beans and lentils all day. A healthy balanced diet with fruits and vegetables is also important for the body.


  1. Banana

  2. Apple

  3. Orange

  4. Drachchai

  5. Cucumber

  6. Pomegranate

You can add any of these to your lunch daily.


  1. Beetroot

  2. Carrot

  3. Cabbage

  4. Cauliflower

  5. For him

  6. Beans

A combination of any two of these can be included in your daily lunch list.

Low calorie

The nuts and fruits on this list of vegetables and fruits are very low in calories and high in vitamins. By including these in lunch you can get up to 500 calories and lose weight.

Evening time

Most people have something to eat in the evening too. A sudden change in eating habits can also cause discomfort to the body. So gradual weight loss is good. Avoid oily products and eat popcorn in the evening. Popcorn is not high in calories. A handful of popcorn has only 40 calories. Or no popcorn if you're an evening tea drinker. Drink only tea. That gives 70 calories. Avoid adding sugar and drink it with jaggery. 


Dinner is best taken between breakfast and lunch. 

If you want to lose 500 grams of body weight every week, eat 4 chapatis every night. Wheat is high in fiber. Having a fiber-rich meal at night helps you start the next day smoothly. You can use Kuruma without tubers for chapati. Otherwise, you can use chutney. These will give you 350 calories and help in weight loss.

Before sleeping

What people who want to lose weight should do before sleeping:

  1. Do not sleep immediately after eating

  2. Do not eat lying down

  3. 15 minutes after eating should be a light massage

  4. Then drink half a cup of unsweetened milk

Half a cup of milk

Sugar-free milk not only helps you sleep better but also cuts down on unnecessary calories for the day. Because no matter what schedule we eat, 10-20 calories can be wasted in the body. Half a cup of milk is used to reduce it. Those who want to lose weight must drink half a cup of sugar-free milk every night

Full day

So the meals and calories we take in a whole day are respectively


230 calories


500 calories

Evening time

70 calories


350 calories

Before sleeping

50 calories

Finally, we have covered the 1200 calories per day needed to lose weight without exercise and without any physical discomfort.


This calorie-based diet is designed to meet all nutrient and protein requirements, as well as mineral and vitamin requirements. In addition, this diet will definitely reduce your body weight by 500 grams per week. This way you don't need to go to any gym. Balance your body weight by eating healthy.

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