5 skin care tips in winter

As winter approaches, many women are excited and looking forward to putting on a great sweater, tying a scarf to keep warm, and having fun dressing up that rarely get the chance. But another important thing that cannot be neglected is to take care of your 'face' in winter so that it doesn't become dry, flaky, and flaky.

1) Start by adding moisture from within ...
2) Drink enough water ...
3) Avoid washing your face with hot water...
4) Refrain from scrubbing the face or peeling the skin (scrub)
5) Choose a cleanser, skin, and gentle face.

5 skin care tips in winter

1) Start by adding moisture from the inside.

Choose nutritious food, especially foods containing vitamin C and zinc (zinc), which contribute to collagen and elastin production in the skin. Choose succulent vegetables such as cucumbers, squash, carrots, tomatoes, and fruits that nourish the skin from within, such as watermelon, cantaloupe, apples, oranges, and kiwis.

2) Drink enough water

Don't forget that even if the weather gets colder Even if we are not as thirsty as during the summer But the body still needs water. For soft and moisturized skin from the inside out We need to drink enough water, about 8-10 glasses a day, or try drinking warm water mixed with a little lemon juice. It will help add water to the body and skin better.

3) Avoid washing your face with hot water.

Taking a warm or hot bath in winter is considered one happiness Because it makes the cold body feel warm and relaxed. But don't miss out on bringing warm or hot water to wash your face. Hot water or water with a higher temperature than normal will flow away the fat on the face. Makes the skin dry and unable to retain moisture. Women should take a warm bath, but only a little. Do not adjust the temperature to be too hot. because in addition to the surface Other skin areas can become dry and irritated as well.

4) Refrain from scrubbing or peeling the skin (scrub).

Exfoliating your skin in winter can be irritating easily. The best way is to refrain from scrubbing your face in winter. or reduce the scrubbing frequency to once a week to prevent moisture loss It is important to avoid products with stimulants such as irritants. perfume and alcohol

5) Choose a gentle facial cleanser.

A cleansing mousse that locks in moisture is another excellent option for treating sensitive skin in winter. Cleansing products should be effective in maintaining the pH balance, helping to restore healthy skin. Or it contains Tea Tree Oil and Aloe Vera extracts to reduce infection-causing disease. Add moisture to the skin gently.

Just follow these 5 tips, it will make the skin of the girls. Bright and healthy in winter Not dry and does not cause premature aging or itching, or inflammation that will follow. Just take care and care for your skin as best as possible.

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