Tropical climate food : The benefits of avocado, an excellent fat fruit, is it good to eat every day? When is the best time to eat?

Regarding avocados, avocados are one of the few fruits that are high in fat, but they say that fat is good. Avocados are native to Mexico. It is a fruit that has many health benefits. both good fats and high in fiber. Today, we would like to collect the benefits and properties of avocados. Who wants to know if it's good to eat an avocado daily? And when is the best time to eat? Or are there any precautions when eating avocados? Follow us and see 🥑💚

The benefit of avocados is that they can reduce fat.

The nutritional value of avocados

Avocado weighs 100 grams (about half a fruit) and provides 160 kcal of energy.

  • Fat 14.66 g
  • 2 grams of fatty acids
  • 2 grams of protein
  • 8.5 grams of carbohydrates (6.7 grams of fiber or dietary fiber)
  • Vitamin C 10 mg
  • Potassium 485 mg
  • Other vitamins and minerals

20 benefits and properties of avocados

  1. Avocados are a fruit that is rich in good cholesterol (HDL) and can also help lower bad cholesterol (LDL).
  2. Helps control and lower cholesterol levels, reduces triglycerides, reduces fat in the blood,
  3. helps nourish the heart and Reduces the risk of coronary heart disease
  4. Lowering blood pressure is Suitable for people with high blood pressure problems.
  5. Helps reduce inflammation in the body
  6. Helps nourish the skin and slow down the signs of aging because it contains vitamin E
  7. rich in vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system
  8. It contains vitamin A to help maintain eyesight. slow down the deterioration of the eyes
  9. Helps to lose weight, lose weight, helps reduce bad fat in the blood vessels
  10. contains antioxidants, Reduces the chance of cancer
  11. It contains vitamin B, which helps reduce the frequency of beriberi.
  12. Prevent canker sores
  13. High fiber (high fiber) helps the digestive system. Reduce the risk of colon cancer
  14. Rich in vitamins and minerals, which helps protect cells within the body
  15. Contains vitamin K to help strengthen bones and teeth.
  16. It is high in protein, which helps strengthen the body.
  17. Rich in DHA, helps to strengthen brain function in children, increase memory, and promote child development.
  18. Contains folate to strengthen red blood cells.
  19. Helps prevent colds
  20. Reduce the risk of developing depression

Varieties of Avocados

Which varieties of avocados are delicious?

* Hass avocados can be grown in some areas. It is the best-tasting avocado, has a nutty taste, is not bitter, fragrant, delicious, smooth, and sticky texture, with no burrs.

* Buccaneer avocado is a large, fruitful avocado, when ripe, the rind is green. The taste is similar to Hasst, with a smooth texture and deliciousness.

* Avocados Boot 7 (Booth 7): The fruit is quite round, and the ball is not very big. It is Easy to grow in Thailand. When cooked, the peel turns purple or black. The fruit has a delicious taste and a sticky texture, and it is very inexpensive.

* Avocados Boot 8 (Booth 8) The fruit is quite round and small, with slightly rough skin and a smooth texture, similar to the Buccaneer variety. but smaller, average taste

* Peterson avocado, fruit is quite round, has smooth skin, and has yellowish-green flesh. Mild sweet flavor

* Avocado, Pinkerton variety, is a cultivar with slender, oval-shaped avocados. rough skin peel. When ripe, it will still be green. Big balls, easy to grow, smooth, and sticky.

* Avocado variety A.034 is a slender avocado. different from other species. When ripe, the rind is still green. It is an avocado that goes beyond the crossbreeding of Hass and RUSSELL varieties. When ripe, the flesh is tough, smooth, sweet and delicious. The meat will have a bitter taste

How many avocados should you eat a day? Precautions when eating avocados

Although avocado is a fruit that is high in good fats. But still, it's considered fat. Therefore, for those who have problems with high blood lipids in high-security factories, including heart disease, and those who need to take blood clot-dissolving drugs regularly, Be extra careful when eating avocados. Because avocados contain vitamin K., which helps the blood to clot faster, you should only eat no more than half of avocados per day. Avocados should not be eaten in excess.

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